My Dad had one of those crazy co-workers/friends with a very lovely and charming wife. I don't know how she put up with his antics, but she did.
One day, they were in a department store and when she got to the counter she realized that she didn't have any money. So she turned to her hubby who was standing behind her and said, "I need money."
He looked at her and said, "Who are you?"
She said, "This isn't the time for that -- give me some money!"
He looked around her to the cashier and said, "Can you help me? I don't know this woman!"
At this point, she was obviously enraged, and so were the people behind them. He let it go on for awhile, then finally handed her some money to "get her off his back."
She didn't talk to him for awhile after that.
That's very funny! I'll bet he got the silent treatment pretty often from his wife! I'd also bet she made sure she had money when she went into a store with him after that.