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Caught off guard is a putting it mildly. Lugar was AMBUSHED.
The bankruptcy bill "good stuff?" Evidently Laura has a lot of MBNA stock in her 401k. People saying anything good about this pinata for the big banks have been few and far between, even on FR.
Frist actually makes me long for Bob Dole.
I agree with Laura. If the GOP senators do not start acting like the majority then there is no hope for our party. We might as well let the Democrats lead and let us act like the minority that we were for so many years.
Marry me, Laura...
Pity she doesn't speak as well as she writes. She's an amazingly sloppy speaker.
Our problems are deep and complex. A sudden change to what many consider to be the "constitutional intent" of the founders would be a budget shock of which we may not recover in these competitve times and requires a new look at a very impresive document that was created before the advent of world economies, mass communication and other technological advancements. I am not advocating scraping those documents. Simply, we need an understanding going forward appying the intent and principals in todays world.
Our problems are deep and complex. A sudden change to what many consider to be the "constitutional intent" of the founders would be a budget shock of which we may not recover in these competitve times and requires a new look at a very impresive document that was created before the advent of world economies, mass communication and other technological advancements. I am not advocating scraping those documents. Simply, we need an understanding going forward appying the intent and principals in todays world.
I'll say the same for John McCain. I'm sick of the radio/television talkers always prefacing their critiques of McLame with "I thank him for his service in Vietnam".
Vietnam was a generation ago. What has he done lately... besides stifle Bush's agenda?
Frist is a limp-wrist. That's no surprise.
What's surprising is Bush himself. This is it. No more for him. He went to all the trouble to win this second term to do what? Roll over and play dead?
Wake up, W. It's time to kill.
''Most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.'' ~ Michael Rivero
I just get the biggest smile.
aren't there any better pictures?
Frist should get on with it. He has nothing to lose. Hell, as soon as the Senate votes to end the fillibuster of judicial nominees, the dems will take it to Fed. Court and some liberal judge will announce that judicial fillibusters are indeed part of the Constitution. Yep, you got it, the Judiciary will announce that it now sets the rules for the operation of the Legislative Branch.
Bottom line, appointing judicial nominees is a small step in the war to make the Judicial Branch co-equal with the other branches. Sooner or later the Legislature and the President are going to have to tell the Judiciary that if it likes its rulings so much, it can enforce those rulings.
I'm just waiting for the Republican Party to call me for a donation. I pity the person on the other end of the phone because he/she will get an ear full.
The "Gelding Old Party" will lose both the House and the Senate majorities next year unless they get their collective acts together.
runaway spending, illegals, judges...three strikes and yourrrr out!
The GOP doesn't appear to have a clue as to how to operate in the Majority...
The backruptcy bill was NOT "good stuff". It was big money lobbyist payoff through and through. In the long run it will hurt then GOP.
Otherwise, this article is very much on target.
The backruptcy bill was NOT "good stuff". It was big money lobbyist payoff through and through. In the long run it will hurt then GOP.
Otherwise, this article is very much on target.