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To: gobucks
The earth, according to Hofland, is about 6,000 years old. God created it in six 24-hour days. And, of course, evolution is just a theory.

Creationists are an appalling embarrassment to the conservative agenda.

There may in fact be limitations or shortcomings in Darwin or current theories of evolution. Einstein find the limitations of Newton's theories, after all.

But raising rational scientific challenges to Darwin does not legitimize idiotic fantasies like the one posited by Hofland, above.

Creationists need to understand that whether their view is accurate or not, it is NOT scientific, and therefore cannot be appropriately taught in any science class -- except perhaps as an object lesson in what science is NOT.

The thought that there are conservatives on FR who wave the Bible around as a scientific counter-argument to Darwin is a totally embarrassment to the credibility of this site.

6 posted on 04/21/2005 5:12:50 AM PDT by Maceman (Too nuanced for a bumper sticker)
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To: Maceman
I don't want to see the teaching of "creationism" in science class but at the very least, "evolution" should be discussed as an incomplete theory. One author of a science textbook took the greatest outrage at the idea of a sticker being placed on the book calling evolution a theory.

Man made global warming is also a theory.

Did mankind begin in Asia? Africa? How did man get to South America? Boats from the Southern Hemisphere? Walking down from "Canada"?

Piltdown man has since been stricken from the record but once "he" was a crucial link.

Better to admit to students that we DON'T know everything. And to think that they cannot question what they are taught?

I seem to recall being taught about the Greek and Roman gods in school and what they "did", and how other cultures believed the earth was formed/man came to be. It was covered in "world history".

Apart from violating a "trade secret", what would be the harm in sharing the Scientologists' concept of the origins of man (the aliens bringing these negative personality traits to Earth) with students? Not as "fact" but as theory - it might be good protection against the infiltration of Scientology in other areas of schools (under the guise of psychological counseling).

Only those who go through a full "auditing" know the secrets of Scientology (or those who read courtroom transcripts). Not all Christians or Jews (it IS in the Old Testament) subscribe to "creationism" and is "Intelligent Design" lumped together with "144 hours to create the universe, 6,000 year old Earth"? Intelligent Design says that the vast diversity of life that fills the Earth is not a "fluke" (1 in a trillion floating rocks).

If the left truly believes in Darwinism, why is there an Endangered Species Act to protect those lifefroms who's time has come? Adapt or die.

Why is there a social safety net for those who are unable to "fit into" society? Why have same sex adoption for those who are unable (by choice) to procreate?

29 posted on 04/21/2005 6:26:10 AM PDT by weegee (WE FOUGHT ZOGBYISM November 2, 2004 - 60 Million Voters versus 60 Minutes - BUSH WINS!!!)
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