Give me a break, already!! Lugar's staff is saying its Bush's fault? Amazing!!
Lugar should have called for the vote before Voinovich returned instead of waiting (it would have been 9-8 then). At the very least he could have taken charge, recessed, asked Voinovich to abstain if he couldn't vote "yes", or postponed the vote until this morning. Waiting three weeks for the info to drip, drip, drip out and to allow the MSM cut Bolton up even more is inexcusable. Lugar's a weak, fish-handshake chairman who's lost control of the committee he chairs.
Of course he's saying it's Bush's fault.
Typical of a wimp that allows a coup of his Committee by Biden and Voinovich. He can't take the heat, so he tries to deflect it to someone that can.
Senate Republicans are losing seats with every single moment that passes and it is their own fault. They are going to crash and burn in '06, and trust they will blame everyone but themselves for the result.