Not only can it be done, it can be done with remarkable ease. The hardest thing for me was the inital commitment, ordering myself to cull some un-necessities from our budget. Those things I've given up, I cannot even call them sacrifices. I don't miss them at all.
Some couples whose income is at the lower end of middle class have stay-at-home moms. It can be done.
Not only can it be done, it can be done with remarkable ease. The hardest thing for me was the inital commitment, ordering myself to cull some un-necessities from our budget. Those things I've given up, I cannot even call them sacrifices. I don't miss them at all.
I agree. My van is 8 years old, dh's SUV (haha) is ancient- 15 years old and both paid for. Our furniture is 'original' (from college and newleywed days), our kitchen is 55 years old, so is the bath! Hey we have survived! We shop 'discount' for clothes, but they are washed, and the kids are clean, and well fed. We have so much- a mom and dad for our children, we have the Lord. Hey we have everything we need! And we live in the most expensive (or darn close) area of the country, $ilicon valley. And we make lower lower middle income (for this area you know.) They said it could not be done!