The CC could not have elected a more conservative pope than Domenic XVI. The message is crystal clear. No pandering to Satan's forces. A SIN is a sin and tradition is tradition.
They should find another more 'progressive' institution.
It seems that the MSM has taken there old talking points from the NYT, WP and CBS that they had left over from the presidential elections of 2000 and 04, "Found and replaced"
key words related to Bush and replaced them with words related to the Pope and Catholics.
The alleged jounalists, including Chris Matthews, either know nothing about Catholism or pretend they don't, so that they can run the same scam on the public that they do during and elections. Repeat the same lies over and over again until Boobus Americanus believes it as truth.
"The message is crystal clear. No pandering to Satan's forces. A SIN is a sin and tradition is tradition."
Very good"ElPatriota"!!!!!!!!!Thank you this is very good many good persons do know truth is truth G-D is G-D!!!!!!Sodoma Gomora is total evil!!!!I do pray good G-D help this persons this persons do not know total truth good G-D!!!Thank you all