President Wilson was awful, but he was the least bad of all of the major world leaders in that war.
Nor could it be argued that he "waged" The Great War, as it was started 3 years prior to U.S. troops landing in Europe to end it.
Wilson's peace treaty proposals were far more humanitarian than what the French and British forced upon the Germans, too. That he was out-diplomacied on that point was a failure of his leadership, not of his morality or inherent weal (to the detriment of that following generation of Europeans, too).
Nonsense. Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary, quite rightly beatified by the late Pope John Paul II in October 2004, was a saint.
You have to understand that I'm coming from the perspective of an "Altar & Throne" reactionary monarchist and therefore regard the fall of the German and Austro-Hungarian monarchies in 1918 as an unspeakable tragedy, for which Wilson and American intervention undoubtedly bear the lion's share of the blame. While I despise Lloyd George and Clemenceau as well, it is unlikely that they would have been able to dethrone the Hapsburgs, Hohenzollerns, and all the other German monarchs without Wilson and his satanic crusade to "make the world safe for democracy."