"Al Qaeda remains trapped in a Vietnam fantasy. It is desperately trying to produce an "Iraqi Tet" -- a Middle Eastern repetition of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong 1968 offensive in South Vietnam."
This is all I had to read.
While the VC hope that a popular uprising did not occur in the major cities of South Vietnam, at least they enjoyed some popular support in the rural parts of Vietnam.
What the terrorists in Iraq have failed to understand is that car bombing innocent Iraqi civilians, as they attend Friday prayers in mosques, can NEVER produce popular support for their cause.
That is why the Iraqi and US troops are certain to win.
As one who fought elusive elements of VC and NVA, I can say with certainty that if the tide of battle changes to one of open confrontation; it'll all be over in a few months.
First of all, thank you for your service to America. You and your comrades deserve our undying praise and gratitude.
About the tide turning in Iraq: - I'm sure that it will turn, and this time around, there isn't an Uncle Walter Cronkite to provide appalling disinformation to the American public about how "we're losing the war in Iraq." Had Dan Blatherer remained in his musty old anchor chair, perhaps he would have given it his "all" in an attempt to spoil Bush's smart program of establishing democracy in the middle east, by beginning with Iraq.........but now, even with a lot of liberal MSM opposition, the leftist media isn't going to succeed in destroying actual American policy success there. That is my opinion, anyway.