I don't get it, I mean, what's with them advocating murder?
They couldn't beat the President in two fights, despite the best efforts by Hollywood stars, the millions spent by billionaires and a MSM willing to sell it's collective soul to Satan to elect a democrap.
The Dems want the President dead. Those t-shirts reading like old west wanted posters, "DEAD or ALIVE" are as serious as a heart attack, except for the "or alive" part.
You don't get it because you are sane. Then "why do I get it" you ask? Good question. Maybe from observing those scum bags for the better part of a century. I just know that somewhere along the line, it became completely clear to me that those on the left side of the abyss, are the enemy of this Republic and the gleeful and willing abettors of every other enemy of this Republic.