The only way the Schindlers had a chance to save Terri was by appealing to the federal government,...the govt did not "stick its nose in," it was asked to come in.
And by coming in, it has opened the door for still more government intervention which I for one don't want.
It;s not a question of govt or no govt. interference, but whether or not govt empowers and helps individuals to achieve on their own...or whether it makes them dependent.
But you see...every time the goverment becomes involved in these or any other matters, it makes people more and more dependent on the government to solve everything. We are supposed to be adults...we are supposed to be responsible...we should not need the goverment telling us what we should and shouldn't do in every situation.
every time the goverment becomes involved in these or any other matters, it makes people more and more dependent on the government to solve everything. We are supposed to be adults...we are supposed to be responsible...we should not need the goverment telling us what we should and shouldn't do in every situation.
___This is knee-jerk anti-government rhetoric and a loser with the voters. Some things---like national defense or
the national transportation---are netter handled on a large scale..some are better handled locally...what matters is EFFECTIVENESS, not ideological purity..