Wow. There arrogance and closed-mindedness never ceases to amaze me.
I've said my piece, and I know that only one person on this entire forum was actually there and knows the truth, and I can take heart in knowing that and knowing that I have done what I can to try to dismantle the ignorance surrounding good americans trying to defend liberties of all people.
If you choose not to listen, not to believe and to merely continue spouting off your stereotypical, childish rhetoric, feel free. I, however, refuse to stoop to that level.
As for your desire to be persecuted by uniformed men, there are professionals who provide that service for a reasonable fee.
Signing up with the user name "seeificare" and writing a shrill self-defense is a beautiful bit of irony. I'm beginning to suspect seriously that you are a Freeper having a bit of fun.