Posted on 03/31/2005 8:09:51 PM PST by txradioguy
It started out when I saw this "Letter To The Editor" in the March 22nd Stars and Stripes:
AFN needs diverse opinions
Rush Limbaugh is not of interest to all. Equal time needs to go to more moderate interests, and, failing that, to progressive ones.
I hereby launch a campaign to hear Air America once, at prime time, for every time Rush is on the air. Please let your local American Forces Network radio station know that you need to hear more than a paid announcement from the party line.
Any other point of view is absolutely necessary. Rushs sources and motivations are highly suspect, and it would be interesting to look on White House pay records for what amounts go to the Excellence in Broadcasting Network.
I would also be curious as to what influence leads this broadcast to be on AFN on prime time four to five days a week, with political balance only from my fellow Texan Jim Hightower, for five minutes, buried somewhere in the early morning.
If we dont demand freedom of choice, we wont get it.
Emily Dolan Gordon Grafenwöhr, Germany
And I replied with this in the March 29th Stars & Stripes:
Air America not the answer
This is in response to the letter writer who demanded equal time for Air America since American Forces Network broadcasts Rush Limbaugh (AFN needs diverse opinions, March 21). It sounds eerily like a form letter being circulated at the Liberal Web site, so the editors of Stars and Stripes should be warned that more letters like this may be on the way. Let me also remind the letter writer, Emily Dolan Gordon, that the Federal Communications Commissions fairness doctrine went away more than 20 years ago, so AFN, if it chooses, does not have to give equal time to the hate speech on Air America just to make it fair.
Second, why would anyone want to subject the soldiers and their family members proudly serving in all branches of the armed services to the anti-military filth that the hosts of the shows on Air America spew anyway? Besides, the liberal point of view is already disseminated on AFN through National Public Radio.
I suggest that if anyone wants to listen to their kook-theory scare-the-people diatribes, he or she should simply go to Air Americas Web site and listen for free. And if anyone dislikes listening to the things that Limbaugh has to say that much, he or she should simply exercise the greatest freedom we have as Americans, the freedom of choice, and change the channel.
Spc. John S. Wollaston Camp Casey, South Korea
These started showing up in my mail box yesterday. The original letter writer started first:
Why don't you believe in equal time? Then you could make your own decision instead of someone else telling you what to think? I regularly listen to those I don't agree with...otherwise I'd be living in a bubble. I learn so much that way. When I'm against something or for something.. I KNOW why. When you just listen to are just repeating his thoughts..not your own.
Subject: Hey FreepTard
Must be nice to be sitting in the rear with the gear rather than wearing a flak jacket and web gear with the poor slobs in the Iraqi theater, huh?
Regarding your bullshit letter in S&S (and calling it bullshit is being polite):
"Second, why would anyone want to subject the soldiers and their family members proudly serving in all branches of the armed services to the anti-military filth that the hosts of the shows on Air America spew anyway?"
You obviously have never listened to Randi Rhodes. She, like me, is a veteran. She served in the Air Force. She is a staunch defender of servicemembers and their families, no matter what your masters told you.
If you weren't a knuckle-dragging freeptard, you'd know that.
Hey, maybe before you open your yap and spew your own version of hate, maybe you should open your ears and actually listen to who is saying what, who is defending who. Bush is cutting veteran's benefits. Rush tell you that? Bush sent the Army to war without body armor. Rush tell you that?
No, you'd rather drink the Bush Kool Aid and believe the lies Limbaugh spews rather than open your d*mn eyes and realize you've been conned.
Oh, and Google is our friend at Democratic Underground.
Dumbass. ---------------------------------------------------------
Subject: What Planet Are You From?
Sir: I am not sure from where your delusions stem, but let's clear up a couple of things: Air America is not 'hate speech;' it's free speech, and small balance to the right-wing venom polluting the airwaves. NPR is highly-censored, 'right-wing lite' news. Rush Limbaugh really truly honestly IS a big fat idiot (and a liar to boot). Also, you may want to get your facts straight, if you want to consider yourself in any way a 'journalist.' There is NO 'form letter' on the Democratic Underground, demanding equal time for Air America on AFN, or on any other issue. Here at Democratic Underground, we pride ourselves on being sufficiently intelligent to write our own letters, in our own words, expressing our own thoughts. In other words, we are not merely 'dittoheads.' I am sorry to hear that you consider Air America's programming to be 'anti-military filth.' You must have a pretty loose standard for what you consider to be anti-military. You must surely despise the Bush administration's cutting of funding for VA hospitals; talk about anti-military filth! And from a deserter to boot. What a black mark in American history to have a Commander in Thief who ran from duty like George W. Bush did (not to mention Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld). Your writing sounds eerily like the hate-filled rants of Rush himself. Or are you simply another paid shill for the Bush administration, like 'journalist' James Guckert/Jeff Gannon? One last thought: if you really value the freedoms of our Constitution, you might want to take a look at the way Bush has violated his oath of office in his attempts to dismantle the First Amendment.
Sincerely Yours, Minnesota Grandmother for Truth ---------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Might Wanna Look John
Your names all over the bloghs John ... Damn!
Subject: Fatboy Limbaugh
hey, I read your little rant about the Fat, Draft Dodging, Drug Addicted, Wife Trashing Limbaugh and would like to comment.
If a US serviceman wants to change the channel what does he change it to ?
Also, your pic should be changed. I noticed you are out of uniform. I believe being overweight is out of uniform, unless the weight is all concentrated in your necks.
I would also suggest you stop being so political. When I served honorably in the USMC, unlike your draft dodging, alcoholic Commander In Chief, I was told not to be political.
So, get a life. _________________________________________________________
So this is the respone from the "Freedom of Speech" crowd when you dare speak about their beloved little SCARE America. They have been assaulting my AFN e-mail account with this crap since yesterday. I gave NO indication that I worked for AFN, in fact I wrote the letter from my computer in my barracks room. It would also appear that I'm the target of my own thread in DUmmie land. Any advice or ideas for how I should handle this would be greatly appreciated. I need the power of the FReepers to help me on this. Thanks guys.
What if ol' Bill has another health issue that she's aware of which may leave him in a similar state?
That sums it up. Fortunately, the Korean cable company offers movie channels to fill in the gaps. AFN does have some good points though.
I am rather impressed! You have decided to attack.
A healthy dose of NPR daily.
I bet the NPR music is the primary cause for depression amongst the DUmmies.
I catch Rush on Thunder as often as possible. Are you here in Korea?
Oh by the way TX, Another version of the pig story......Never argue logic or reason with a liberal,its like wrazzlin a hog,ya just get frustrated an tarred,and the hog loves it!
Just in case this thread on Free Republic gets deleted for some reason.
Your message has been archived and will be shared with people who will defend a member of our military.
Here's what I sent the Leters to The Editor section at Stars and Stripes:
I wrote a "Letter to the Editor" that appeared in the March 29th edition pf Pacific Stars and Stripes in response to the woman who said Air America needed to air on AFN radio. (Letters 22 March) Starting yesterday morning and continuing today (Friday Apr. 1st)my AFN e-mail box has been filled with verbally abusive and offensive posts such as the ones that I'm forwarding to you. There are three more to follow after this one.
Just wanted you to see mentality of the people who say that Air America is a "fair and balanced" alternative to Rush Limbaugh's one hour a day on AFN.
Spc. John S. Wollaston
Camp Casey, Korea
They'll scream you down and "gang up on you."
Don't do it.
Let a sleeping dog lie.
Their attention span is very short.
They'll be posting iditoic things about the pope tomorrow.
Great Idea,
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
Select their best lines-O-love and print them in Stars & Stripes. I think their patriotism, compassion and love for the military is clear enough in those love notes. Let the troops decide for themselves...
However, you have earned our respect and support.
In my experience every single person who insists on comparing service conditions to show which soldiers are "really" brave is themselves a first-rate pussy. I never got anyplace more dangerous than an Air Force flightline, and I've had a Pearl Harbor survivor and a Bronze Star winner thank me for my service. Why? Because heroes are above that kind of thing, and wimps need to prove how "tough" they are, usually by "proving" how tough somebody else isn't.
I guess these dummies don't know you alreay served in Iraq.
Now I have more I can e-mail them about.
Low life hippy scum!
Well stated, and anyone who has served in the military, understands exactly what you just said.
I just tried to go look at the DU link to the blog about me. 8th Army Computer Geeks have the site blocked. The DU site that is! LOL!
Nah no offense taken.
Heat of the moment and all it's understandable.
Looks good.
Stay safe.
If anyone is interested in the Letters to the editor e-mail for Stars and Stripes here goes:
The woman's letter was in the March 22nd reply was in the March 29th
I've posted this before, but it's the only thread you'll ever need to know what kind of "people" you're dealing with over there. This is one of the shorter, more tame ones as the worst were done before they started archiving. I'll let it speak for itself.
Regarding your b*llshit letter in S&S (and calling it b*llshit is being polite):
WOW! They know how to swear and everything, how COOL! I can't tell how impressed I am.
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