Yes! I support reform on this!!!
It's amazing. On death penalty, we rightly complain about all the delays for justice. Here in this case, Mrs. Schiavo didn't receive her preference until after YEARS of lying in a bed, hooked up. How just is that?! Even though she wasn't aware of it, it's still not good to have to face the fact that our wishes might be ignored, or else delayed, once we are unable to fight for them. We MUST stop DeLay and the others who are in danger of stomping on the rights of those who can't speak out or fight rights of the disabled, and of all of yourselves who might end up in this state someday!!! I'm all for reform.
Oh, and I also support sending a message to keep the feds out of local and state issues once its been determined due process has been met. Let conservatives speak out for our values of local control and personal rights!
It was the preference of her husband, ratified and enforced by a judge. Her preference is unknown.
For SOMEONE WHO WAS ANXIOUS TO DIE Terri lived a miraculously long time in starvation mode, having been weakened before with Mikey having her tube removed. EACH TIME SHE FOUGHT TO LIVE PAST THE POINT WHERE SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SURVIVE. Surviving for almost two weeks without sustenance, she was screaming, "I want to live!" Too many ears are dull of hearing anything but what Mikey WANTS! Greer seemed to be blinded to anything but what Mikey wanted. Why?
The refusal of Mikey for Terri to have communion was odd. You don't suppose he was afraid we might discover she could actually swallow, do you? No therapy for swallowing ever, but some of her nurses gave her jello and ice cream which she swallowed. Didn't Mikey put a stop to that little party pronto? What HARM would it have done for people to have been allowed to try to feed and hydrate Terri through natural means? She might have strangled?! Lord have mercy! How ignorant, considering the starvation method used. Quick strangulation on water or food would have been a blessing!
The right-to-kill movement decided what Terri's wishes should be, just as they did in Nazi Germany. They even used the same legal procedures, and the same propaganda (translated into English). Terri was never allowed to have representation in the courts. Her witnesses were ignored. Her rights were trampled, and she was murdered. Members of the right-to-kill movement have tried to justify it by bragging that every year it happens to thousands of victims who have even less access to the courts than Terri did. They're proud of the fact that most of their victims have no access to the courts. Believe it or not, murder is wrong.