The passing of Terri Schiavo represents a direliction of duty on the part of all three branches of the United States Government, as well as its people. Lord, have mercy.
dont even get me started - I am so disgusted with republicans, democrats, the judiciary, and congress I could spit
Like it or not, we are a nation of LAWS. Those laws were followed here.
Her parents have been lying, motivated by spite, about Terri's condition. There is already a plan afoot to debunk the coming autopsy by claiming the brain shrinkage is all due to the dehydration. It isn't true because her medical records have a CT scan showing the shrinkage from long before now. That won't change anything. The propoganda war will continue with no regard for the facts of this case. Or due process of law. Or family values.
How soon will the Schindler's get their book/movie deal?