The Schindlers have to be discredited. They caused all of this. They wouldn't STFU. And it's caused people to be mad at Jeb Bush. And they caused President Bush and congress to do something that made the liberals mad and the POTUS polls to drop.
But worst of all.....they gave Randall Terry, Keyes and Klaman a cause. Which has set the pro life movement back decades. These people didn't give one single thought to the political ramifications of their actions. I believe the word used most often is "shameless".
People are starved to death everyday in hospitals and nursing homes. By making a big deal about Terri, now everybody knows this fact. Until they butted in, this was carried out by families with no problem. Thanks for nothing, Schindlers!
Parents should realize that when their child marries, that child is owned by their spouse. Terri is Michaels property. As it should be. That's what traditional marriage is. He only has a new "wife" and kids because the Schindlers told him to.
It's in the best interest of the RNC if these parents are shown for what they are. Grifters. Selfish, greedy, media hounds. They've duped everybody, from the president on down. And the sooner they go away, the better.
The above is NOT my opinion. Far from it. But it is the opinion of several "conservative" posters on this board.
What is the WPPFF manifesto thread????????