I guess this really comes down to how you define conservative issues. I'll never forget my shock and dismay when I realized that congress was really trying to insinuate itself into the Schiavo situation, and the horror I felt when I learned that President condoned the action and was willing to sign it. See, in my world, Frist, DeLay, and even the President violated the core of conservativism when they federalized the issue.
Now, I've come to understand the emotional side of the issue a little better, and I forgive the lot of them, but I'll never approve of the steps taken that day, and I pray that they all learned their lesson.
I certainly understand the objection of the federal government involving itself on issues that are not enumerated in our Constitution. But our founding documents specifically mention protecting life as the very reason that government exist. If protecting innocent life is not a responsibility of government then who needs government? Clearly the federal government has a right an obligation to protect innocent life, so I do not see it's intervention as an unwarranted intrusion. That claim, it seems to me is easily dismissed.