Republic wrote: """This whole travesty of justice is mired in a sickening array of associations . It freaks me out that the Sheriff of Pinellas county HIRED michael to work in his jails as a nurse...and this sheriff is the guy so many of us called to register complaints about the mistreatment and neglect of Terri. Sheriff Rice. Now a florida legislator."""
Get this --> Remember hearing about the woman who asked Judge Greer for a restraining order against her abusive husband? Greer denys her request. The woman is killed by her husband. This is the kicker - I heard the woman was a nurse at the jail and that is the nurse who HINO SCHIAVO REPLACED AT THE JAIL.
I'm so tired I can't remember where I heard the last part. Don't know if it was from Scoop or some one else. It is such a tangled web of Scorpions.. I hope they begin to STING EACH OTHER WITH THEIR POISON.
This is almost unbelieveable. No one could dream up this stuff. It's so unreal. Only the darkside could play this game so well. This has never been just a legal fight. It's always been a spiritual fight, but I doubt the Schindlers realized this early on.
It's one of those deals, where you don't know who the enemy is and have to peel away the layers to find the truth.
It is surreal it is so corrupt and incestuous and seething with hatred.
A very sick group of people.
Pep-When I consider what they have fought against...the heartbreak...the denials...the IMPOTENCE as they have watched their dtr brutalized time and again, not only by her guardian, but by our so called rule of law.
I am forever changed by this ... and I know others are too.
I posted that on another thread last week then someone else fleshed it out a little more. TEJ had the article on the woman working at the jail then someone mentioned that it's where Schiavo works. Bingo!