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Excerpts from Litigation as Spiritual Practice by George Felos
This guy is nuts.
When describing the cathartic releases of blocks of my unconscious past from his body (20), Felos describes the process: As these unprocessed experiences entered my throat, I often felt absolute, unimaginable terrorlike I was being murdered, hacked to bits. One time I could actually feel a long blade plunging into my chest; another time I could smell the dank, putrid odor of an attacker. Other dark cells brought on indescribably intense grief and its accompanying pain, as if a beloved child of mine were dying. Although the passage of a cell through the throat seemed to take an eternity, in relative time, the process usually elapsed in less than fifteen minutes. Once the block was experienced and discharged, I often noticed a feeling of lightness, as if a dead weight had been lifted. I also sensed an interior spaciousness, sometimes so vast, I felt as if I could rise like a helium balloon. Sometimes after a release I would feel a joy and peace, a homecoming, like the prodigal son returning to the abode of the Father after a long, wayward journey. This experience of integration, bringing into awareness that part of me previously excluded, was also occasionally followed by a period of insight. Here, the truth of why the past event occurred and how its suppression had shaped my personality (sometimes over numerous lifetimes), was reveled to me. (20-21)
Also discussing the pain of his marital break-up, Felos talks about the rage he felt at times: No amount of water could douse the fire of the rage I was experiencingrage at my wife, rage built up over years held tightly in control, rage of lifetimes of human suffering. (26) After his weekend from Hell in which he dealt with the pain of his marital separation, Felos describes entering a profound state of Grace by Monday morning. (30) I experienced with gratitude and unsurpassed joy what the scriptures [his lower case s] describe as birthless, eternal, perpetual, primevalthat which weapons do not pierce, fire does not burn, water does not wet nor the wind cause to wither. In this reality, so grounded in the truth that your essence is the eternal unchangeable God, you become the sky. You become the stage upon which the play and dance of creation unfolds, without identifying with the manifestations of creation. In this state I experience a different relationship with my mind. Grace feels like your higher self stepping on the clutchthe gear of the mind lifts and disengages, and it loses all authority over you. (30-31)
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