Still in prison as far as I know. I work with a lady whose 17 year old daughter is dating Art's son. She doesn't press him on what's up with his dad. It's got to be hard on the poor kid.
On the bright side, the kid is a good high school player, and should get a free ride to a good school.
As you know, I'm a big Buckeye fan, as is my entire family.
One of my late daddy's most disappointing moments was seeing Schleister scalping OSU basketball tickets in front of St. John's Arena for a men's game back in the 80s.
He is still in prison. The Schlister Family from Washington Court House, Ohio is highly respected. Art's brother is a representative in the state legislature. Art got adicted to gambling and it ruined his life.
In 2002 Art's brother won a legislative seat that had been held by the Demorats since 1932. In that race, for the first time in my memory a Repubican candidate went door to door in three counites. Schlister must have, over several months, knocked on every door in the district. The Democrat he beat was shocked and very angry when they counted the votes.