We use t-mobile family plan. Have tried others, but this is the best we've found.
Very convenient. We mostly all talk to each other anyway, me to husband, me checking on teenager, etc.
And teenager's friends have t-mobile too, so we all three get by on 400 minutes a month anytime with unlimited nights and weekends (think we pay 59 bucks for this Family Plan including tax) because all the t-mobile to t-mobile calls are free. (and our phones were free with signup for a one year contract)
We had to drop our T-mobile service because they lied to us about new towers...........a year after the towers supposed to be activated they told us - Sorry we changed our minds and aren't bothering in that area.
My teen-age daughter's T-Mobile plan has 600 anytime minutes (10 WHOLE HOURS!) plus free weekends (FRIDAYS INCLUDED!) and she STILL RAN UP A $100 phone bill!..........