Best blogger site for latest on Churchill:
Could easily be that he's done enough to violate his tenor and can be fired without any of this.
The way things are coming out about Churchill, I think moving the report date to the 28th was to give the world more time to out him and fire him more thoroughly.
Any public university supporting a blatant traitor should lose its funding. The people need to take control of these communist rats nests posing as "teaching" facilities. Starve them of money and the commies will be purged. Universities need money more than they need commies and they will act accordingly.
Wellllllllllllll blow the man down!
Is it really possible that there are some actual
in Northern Colo with some orbs hanging between their legs?
Some in Northern CO really have some cajones after all???
It's a miracle.
I was really hoping that the family of Thomas Mails would sue his butt off too. That making the papers would help put more load on Churchill. He copied Mr. Mails painting with a mirror image and sold it as his own art.