From this NYT story:
Thanks for the link. I'm amazed that the Slimes would even print this.
"Dr. Araji said his account was based largely on observations by government employees and officials who either worked at the sites or lived near them."
Where are these gov. employees and officials now?
But that's not the real news here. I urge all to read the Times original report and see what it says.
The real news is that the Times is admitting Iraq had tons of bad stuff when we invaded that it wasn't supposed to have, including "nuclear related" materials that have now gone missing.
If it's a problem that, that stuff is missing now, it certainly had to be considered a problem when Saddam had it.
Bookmarking your post Sir...
If I may amend for future, archival searches:
Looting at Weapons Plants Was Systematic, Iraqi Says
Published: March 13, 2005
ping for later today, to Home Depot
Thank you for that link! I was looking and couldn't find it.
From the story:
"the installations were left largely unguarded by allied forces in the chaotic months after the invasion."
Well *yeah* because they knew this story back in 2003! The stuff was already gone!