To: Noachian
Can't you see that this is but another step in their attempts to denigrate the Administration? The old story, "Bush lied about WMD" never had much traction except on the far left so now they have changed course and will claim that Perhaps there were WMD and Bush, the incompetent has let them get away to be used by another rogue regime.
23 posted on
03/13/2005 7:37:42 AM PST by
To: JoeV1
Good point! Darn, I was hoping it was good news. But you're probably right.
31 posted on
03/13/2005 7:40:51 AM PST by
("How Many Babies Are Crying In Heaven Tonight"
To: JoeV1
I think that certain people at the NYT have known all along where the Iraq WMDs are at. Now that the WMDs are about to come to light they are hurrying to tear down what will be a great success by Bush. The WMDs are in Syrian hands but not in Syria.
100 posted on
03/13/2005 8:43:40 AM PST by
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