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Ex-Marine Speaks Out Against War (Triple Barf Alert) ^ | 11 Mar 05 | Not Admitted

Posted on 03/10/2005 4:48:07 PM PST by SkyPilot

Jimmy Massey, a former Marine sergeant who served in Iraq, is speaking out against the war during a series of talks today in Syracuse.

Massey, of North Carolina, says he witnessed Marines shoot unarmed civilians at road checkpoints during the onset of the Iraq War in 2003. He says the acts amount to war crimes.

Massey was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and discharged from the Marine Corps in 2003. Syracuse University and the Syracuse Peace Council co-sponsored Massey’s visit that brought him to the Thursday Morning Roundtable at Drumlins this morning and Onondaga Community College at noon.

He also was scheduled to speak at 4 p.m. in Syracuse University’s Kittredge Auditorium and 7 at South Presbyterian Church in Syracuse. For a full report on Massey's visit to Syracuse, see staff writer Pedro Ramirez III's story in the Friday Post-Standard.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; Politics/Elections; US: New York; US: North Carolina; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: iraq; marine; oifveterans; terrorism
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To: FreedomNeocon; Chieftain

This is certainly a classic case of severe PTSD; actually probably more what they used to refer to as "shell shock". It appears that this Marine was in very violent traumatic war experiences. People react very differently to such situations. I would hope this Marine gets help.

Having said this, it is unconscionable that the Left takes such advantage of this tragic situation. They feed on this trauma and thus traumatize the man twice. This is very similar to what Kerry and his scumbags did after Vietnam.
Here we go again. I will pray for this Marine that he gets the help he needs and that he is removed from those who don't care about him at all and just USE him for their own selfish political ends.

41 posted on 03/10/2005 8:22:17 PM PST by Recovering Ex-hippie (Free Lt Pantano! Let the Warriors do their job.)
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To: PzLdr

Interesting if the Sarge kept his mouth shut until he got his honorable.

Medical "retirement" you mean, with a monthly check and benefits

42 posted on 03/10/2005 8:23:16 PM PST by conshack
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To: Recovering Ex-hippie

Having said this, it is unconscionable that the Left takes such advantage of this tragic situation.

Your response here sounds like you are believing all the crap in this guys story. If these things had really happened, several people would have come forward with it by now. This guy apparantly wanted a medical discharge(which he likely got) and 15 minutes of fame(which I'm not so sure he'll be as successful at getting).

43 posted on 03/10/2005 8:28:16 PM PST by conshack
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To: conshack
Your response here sounds like you are believing all the crap in this guys story. If these things had really happened, several people would have come forward with it by now. This guy apparantly wanted a medical discharge(which he likely got) and 15 minutes of fame(which I'm not so sure he'll be as successful at getting).

A Marine comes forward with a war story which doesn't jive with your idea of how the war is being waged, and you automatically downplay his testimony? Maybe this is routine over there, who knows. I'm disturbed that so few of you dare to assert the possibility that what he said is true.

44 posted on 03/10/2005 8:35:25 PM PST by secks
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To: conshack

I do not believe what the story describes. However, if this guy did see violent action that he was unable to handle he may "remember" it in a distorted way. His inability to handle the experience then "distorts" not only his experience but his feelings. He may then be very vulnerable to those who wish to take advantage of him and the story takes on an even more bizzare "memory". Something may have just broken down this guy. This is how I saw it, one way to "understand" this. Other interpretations are also possible.

45 posted on 03/10/2005 8:36:10 PM PST by Recovering Ex-hippie (Free Lt Pantano! Let the Warriors do their job.)
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To: SandRat

Thanks for the ping!

46 posted on 03/10/2005 8:48:00 PM PST by Alamo-Girl
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To: secks

If it were routine, do you think our troops could survive over there, in the open on the streets, in a country of about 25 million people if we committed those atrocities with the frequency and violence suggested by this guy?

I don't buy it. Have innocent civilians been killed accidentally? Yeah, no doubt that has happened. Have some people crossed the line? I am sure of it. Is this guy's story SOP? No way.

Don't you think, with all those embedded reporters, that at least ONE of them would have seen and recorded these types of events as described by this guy? At least ONCE?

47 posted on 03/10/2005 8:51:35 PM PST by rlmorel (Teresa Heinz-Kerry, better known as Kerry's "Noisy Two Legged ATM")
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To: conshack
That was my first inclination, but the article specifically referred to an "honorable". When I was in ('68-'72), a medical was an honorable, but was a different classification of discharge. I was honorably discharged but got disability through the VA. I assume the Sarge is pulling the bucks from either DoD or the VA, but I don't know which. I assume he didn't start singing "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" until he was safely out and the cash was rolling in.
48 posted on 03/10/2005 8:58:38 PM PST by PzLdr ("The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am" - Darth Vader)
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To: rlmorel

How frequently did he claim this happened? From what I've read, he has only mentioned that it happend on a few occasions. Also, I believe that the vast majority of embedded reporters are officially attached to a unit, so the men know when they're likely being recorded. Regardless, even if it isn't routine, we shouldn't dismiss this guy's testimony out of hand just because it happens to play up the liberal side of the argument.

49 posted on 03/10/2005 9:02:38 PM PST by secks
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To: secks

I'm disturbed that so few of you dare to assert the possibility that what he said is true.

Probably because for the past 35 years I have either served in or worked for the military(including a year in Vietnam). This kind of stuff CAN'T be covered up. We now have about 300,000 vets from the Iraq war. Of this number, exactly ONE clown says we gun people down routinely. This absolute BS.

50 posted on 03/10/2005 9:13:27 PM PST by conshack
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To: Recovering Ex-hippie

War does have different effects on different people. This guys story is just too extreme to be truthful.

51 posted on 03/10/2005 9:15:37 PM PST by conshack
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To: PzLdr

Exactly!! A medical discharge is also honorable, and you're right again that he likely secured it before making up his stories. Gotta have a DU poster child ya know.

52 posted on 03/10/2005 9:18:36 PM PST by conshack
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To: secks

Look, my dad was a 30 year naval veteran, I grew up in the military and spent 4 years in myself. I've known a lot of military personnel. What this guys speaks of would indicate a massive breakdown in discipline. Everyone I have talked to who has been there says it is no cakewalk, but they aren't pretending they are John Frickkin Kerry either.

This guy is maintaining our SOP there is indiscriminate and wanton murder of innocent civilians. I do not buy it.

53 posted on 03/10/2005 9:25:15 PM PST by rlmorel (Teresa Heinz-Kerry, better known as Kerry's "Noisy Two Legged ATM")
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To: PzLdr
If he was in charge of the unit, he should have been court martialed if civilians were murdered.

Whether he was in charge or not, any 12-year NCO (SSgt is E6 in the Marines, right?) who didn't take any action to stop or report such incidents is complicit in them and should have been court martialed.

54 posted on 03/11/2005 3:49:39 AM PST by Bob
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