Sure. Ri-i-ight. Every $25K a year cop has uncanny abilities you've never dreamed of. I've been to parties some of the Jersey City cops were at -- that unacnny ability must include drinking copious amounts of beer and shots.
Sure. Ri-i-ight. Every $25K a year cop has uncanny abilities you've never dreamed of. I've been to parties some of the Jersey City cops were at -- that unacnny ability must include drinking copious amounts of beer and shots.>>>>
Yep that pretty much sums it up.
Today is Hoboken's early St. Patrick's Day Parade/Drinkathon.
And Im sure just like last year, J.C. cops will be joining in fracas and acting like loons.
You think those are what makes GOOD cops?!? You have a very screwed up definition of a "good cop"...