Dad was also quite proficient with the leather belt....Indiana Jones and his whip had nothing on him.
He did it for effect...I don't remember him being truly angry. But he schooled us in the finer arts of acceptable and good behavior through discipline and tough love.
Now, over a year after his passing, I find myself reminiscing on the wisdom of his upbringing and missing our conversation as adults and his always sound advise as we spoke of my own adult kids and their grandchildren and his great grand children.
Somehow, we need to get those days get that discipline, tough (true) love back into our society and do away with all of the liberal, mushy minded gobbledigook that has infected our society.
I believe we have a window of opportunity yet to get it back...but fear that a calamity of monstorous proportions awaits us as a self correction if we do not. You would have thought 911 was enough....but apparently not.