Now, if governors told SCOTUS that their ruling was illegitimate and carried no influence on their state perogatives, now THAT would get the attention of SCOTUS.
"The problem is, SCOTUS is basically immune to public opinion."
I find it interesting when the judiciary tries to ORDER the legislative or executive branch to do or not do something. Under the principle of the seperation of powers, NEITHER branch is obligated to follow their ruling.
I think they TRY to present themselves as immune - but I very strongly suspect that they, in fact, are swayed by public opinion. Think back on the Massachusetts Supreeme court right after they made their outragous decisiojn re. Homosexual Marriage - there was a couple "justices" that made some public appearences trying to explain their reasons - I think that SCOTUS is just as vulnerable to public outrage. They have a legacy to try to protect.
A march is a very good idea - as long as there are some numbers behind it.
SCOTUS basks in its power and glory -- if it is on the wrong side of elite opinion, the justices would care, but they care not if at odds with those of traditional values. Ford gave us Stevens; Reagan gave us O'Connor and Kennedy, and Bush I gave us Souter. That alone is 4/9 of the problem.
The problem is, SCOTUS is basically immune to public opinion. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing. We can protest at SCOTUS until we are blue in the face - but I doubt Sandra Day O'Connor would care.
Now, if governors told SCOTUS that their ruling was illegitimate and carried no influence on their state perogatives, now THAT would get the attention of SCOTUS.
Unfortunately, you are correct, when protestors come to DC, the congress and Scotus and Administration usually say "ho-hum" How many did they have? well the numbers are wrong anyway. Just send in the garbage men. Having lived there for 15 years and seeing many protests, and participating in several for Freerepublic and other Christian and Republican marches. Those that you are trying to influence, don't watch, or care. They just want the Mall cleaned up when the rif-raff is gone. If we were to do something like they did in the UKraine (sp) and Lebanannon, such as stay, camp out, stay, and camp out on the mall, we would get some attention from the SCOTUS, Congress and the Executive Branch. This is the only way to get their attention. A one day march on the Mall, will be waved away as more rif-raff, send in the garbage men to clean up their mess by morning. Permits would need to be gotten, if available, many folks would have to participate to make a difference, but staying and waving a special color flag would make it memorable.
I do like your idea about the Govenors of the States saying the SCOTUS Ruling is unconstitutional would be fantastic. Because it is, unconstitutional, several justices used International Law and unsigned treaties to try to justify their case, which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL IN THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT! JUDGES ARE ONLY TO CONSIDER THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION IN DETERMINING THEIR CASES, NOT LOOK TO GOOF-BALL INTERNATIONAL LAW, THAT IS IN ITSELF UNCONSTITUTIONAL.! THEREFORE, THIS CASE IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED NULL AND VOID!