benzo's can be the worst and hardest drug to get off of and then you can get severe protracted withdrawl....much worse than Heroin.....I know cause some jerk put me on Klonopin about 14 years ago cause of some situational panic attacks. Well i moved alot so just stayed on them......when going off several years ago, I almost died and suffered severe neurological, adreanal, brain and immune system problems. In bed for almost a year and 3 years to recover. I finally found websites that others went thru this severe protracted withdrawl......this crap is nothing to fool with if on for longer than a few weeks.......
What went wrong with the adrenal gland dysfunction and immune system, if I may ask.?
I've been on Ativan for 3 weeks now, prescribed by my doctor as a way to get off of Effexor. He prescribed 2-3 a day, but most days I'm only doing one, mostly to help me sleep. Boy, do I sleep solidly when I do. But out of fear of addiction, I'm trying to avoid more use than that.