If I met you 30 years ago, and told you that in 2005 pretty much every home in the USA would have a computer in it, and they would all be networked, and that these computers cost as little as $350 (Monitor included), and that these machine could operate at 1,000,000,000+ cycles per second; and each cycle could produce 1-4 simultaneous instructions; you would have thought me insane.
What we call 'near infinite' today, is going to be easily produced in the near future. Consider how our national power grid has exploded in size, and power over the past 50 years. The power we all take for granted was something that could hardly be conceived 50 years ago.
Hey man...I remember punch cards, FORTRAN RPG ADA COBOL PASCHAL and 56K high capacity memory and blazing fast....Radio Shack had the fastest chip in the world in the "Color Computer" I bought my kids... how true...and on another level, 'the world we behold is not yet HALF created"
Hodar,, I am still with you, we are on the same side.
If I told you ten years ago that there would be lipstick you could put on and it would stay on 24 hours no matter how much kissing you did, you would have laughed. If I told anyone 20 years ago that there would be mascara that would outlast the ocean all day long no one would believe me.