Humans on both sides of the isle are going to do shadey things. I agree. Is it RNC policy to out homosexuals? I don't think so.
It's the Republican side of the aisle that gets upset with gays and that's why it's a poison pill for many republican gays to be outed and it's why the left uses it against republicans.
The gay issue is going to become a large issue for Republicans in the future between the gay financial conservatives and to a point the gay national security conservatives and get the gonvernment off our backs conservatives on one side and the Christian Right conservatives on the other. I'm beginning to see more gays more closely align with the financial, security realists and get the government off our backs postion of the republican party more and more. The area I live in has a area Republican chairman that is gay and for the reasons I cited. I'm not sure of his beliefs in regard to matters of faith.
The Christian Right/Evangelical types are not happy that he's gay, although they do recognize his leadership qualities. But the gay thing is not easy to swallow. They are very concerned the party is being hijacked away from their social conservative issues and concerns. And they do plan to bring forward a non-gay person for the position when the incumbents term is over, purely on his sexual beliefs and not his sucess in his position.
So I guess your question "is it RNC policy to out gays" really is moot. It doesn't harm liberals and tends to hurt those in the RNC tent. Kind of like shooting yourself in the foot.