There are a lot of things going on in Russia that are un noticed. Heres a little bit of a letter that I recieved from a Friend in Chelyabinsk. Keep in mind that Chelyabinsk is a city where there is a lot of nuke storage going on. If I'm not mistaken it's also where the uranium for the first Russian nukes was enriched.
"Also the awful accident has happened today in Chelyabinsk. The police
have seized
two Chechen kamikazes with shakhids belts filled with explosive. I am
very glad,
that they have been caught in time, and nobody has suffered. The
Chechen terrorists
many years hold in awe the Russian people. It's very good, that our
police worked well this time. Sometimes I become scared to live In
the country
where there is such republic as Chechen Republic."
Note to self - Don't eat at pennyfarmer's house.
Because the West sees itself as too civilized for the good ole days of Crusades and such. Don't worry, this won't last. The unfortunet part is that several hundred thousand if not millions of Christians will die before the Christian world truelly mobilizes. Our children's children will judge us to be the fools we are.