At any moment now they'll be here, screaming that this "proves" the reality of Noah's Ark, the 6,000 year age of the universe, the collapse of everything we know about biology, etc.
Actually, this does not Prove Noah's fllod, it only proves evolution is based upon fairy tales! :)
Actually, this does not Prove Noah's flood, it only proves evolution is based upon fairy tales! :)
Given the lag nature of the process, falsification can stand up in the short term, but it will be exposed, and the process will move on. That is one of the great strengths of science. Creationists, on the other hand, sheepishly advise that maybe (although feel free to continue to use them if you must), the Paluxy river tracks and the second law of thermodynamics "arguments" might not be very sound!
There are people who do not think evolution has advanced beyond the theory stage, because it hasn't, who do not subscribe to the young earth belief. Noah's ark may or may not be true, I don't know, do you?
What I do know is there are many holes in the theory of evolution and many, many fakes have been advanced as "proof" that evolution is fact not theory. The reason for the fakes is that hard proof is sorely lacking. This lack of proof is the only fact in the theory of evolution.
To lump all people who do not give credence to evolution as whacko nut jobs who lack education in science is just a little on the liberal side don't you think?
To cite just a few fakes that are proven and so well proven that I will not provide links, if you want to google them you can find them easily enough. 1.)Nebraska man. 2.)One of the best known, Piltdown man.3.) The dino to bird fakes, most notably that of Archaeoraptor liaoningensis, which was supposedly discovered in China and was printed up in National Geographic and later turned out to be a fake comprised of 88 different bones glued together. 4.) The well known horse chart showing the Hyrax as the first early horse, which turned out not to be a horse at all. The order of the horses shown in the chart was also fake. 5.) The fake chart and drawings showing the development of the fetus that supposedly cycled through all the stages of evolution. This was proven to be fake almost immediately but schools kept this chart in text books and taught it as fact for over 40 years.
All these and many more fakes have made many people sceptical about evolution. You don't have to be a creationists or beliver in ID to doubt evolution. I for one do not rule out a third possibility that will someday come to light. In the meantime I will adhere to my belief that evolution is just a theory because it has never been proven to be anything else. Anyone who thinks it is fact has simply not studied all the evidence with an open mind.
Let me reiterate. I am not religious, I do not believe in ID, but also I know evolution to not be proven. I doubt it ever will be. It requires just as much faith to believe in evolution as creationists need to believe in ID.
Yes it is true we are out here...but it is more fun to watch you religious evolutionists wiggle on the hook. ...Keep going, its fun to read,...really.
There's no reason to post anything. All the real scientists have already shown up screaming d@mn those Creationists before any creationists posted anything.
Why is it that if you find one Creationist who's said something goofy, then that is proof that all of Creationism is folly, but if you find one Evolutionist who's said something goofy, then it's proof of the validity of the scientific method?
Your responses are further evidence of your presumption of the "truth" of evolution.