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To: huac
Now, now, now ... be nice. All relgions are equal, and Jenna is free to her faith; just as we are to hers. Perhaps we could learn something from her faith...

According to L.Ron Hubbard, who claims he went through a "Wall of Fire" by auditing himself with an E-Meter, all of our present problems are due to Xenu, or it might be Xemu, the mad leader of the Galactic Federation some 75,000,000 years ago, who "solved overpopulation (250 billion or so per planet - 178 billion on average) by mass implanting.. He caused people to be brought to Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H-Bomb on the principal volcanos incident II) and then the Pacific area ones were taken -in boxes to Hawaii and the Atlantic area ones to Las Palmas and there "packaged". His name was Xenu. He used renegades. Various misleading data by means of circuits etc was placed in the unplants. When through with his crime loyal officers (to the people) captured him after six years of battle and put him in an electronic mountain trap where he still is. "They" are gone. The place (Confederation) has since been a desert. The length and brutality of it all was such that this Confederation never recovered " This is what is taught in the notorious OTIII materials during which the victim realises that all the earler time and money to achieve the state of 'clear' was only the start.

The mass brainwashing introduced such ideas as religion, "the R6 implant" ("the man on the cross, there was no cross") and divided the survivors, who attached themseves to the prior population of Earth, into brainwashed thetans and insane or dormant BodyThetans, attached to the thetans.

"The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it. This liability has been dispensed with by my tech development. one can freewheel through the implant and die unless it is approached as precisely outlined. The "freewheel" (auto-running on and on) lasts too long, denies sleep etc and one dies. So be careful to do only Incidents I and II as given and not plow around and fail to complete one thetan at a time." OTIII

Strangely, critics who have read this stuff do not seem to die of pneumonia, death through laughter seeming a more likely fate.

Why does this matter? Should not Scientologists who choose to believe this nonsense be left quietly alone with their delusions, like flat-earthers and the people who want 24 bishops to open Joanna Southcott's box? The difference is Scientology's harassment of critics and ex-members.- "The law can be used very easily to harass" - L.Ron Hubbard. The 'Church' also breaks up families, insisting that members "disconnect" from so-called "Suppressive Persons", Thus leaving its victims increasingly isolated from reality, believing they are doomed if they leave the 'Church", and willing to pay ever more to take that one extra course which will cure their problems by removing BodyThetans, "clusters" of BTs, sleeping BTs etc. Cult members who fall foul of the leadership are sent to the "Rehabilitation Project Force" (RPF), where they wear a dirty rag on their arm, are forbidden to speak with other members, and fed on rice and beans until they repent. For more stubborn cases, there is the "RPF's RPF" where people are held in chains.

For their relentless extraction of money from their victims see Maria Pia Gardini or Ed and Tera Hattaway And for anybody who is still interested in Xenu, then according to Hubbard, the Galactic dictator who 'really goofed the floof' (?) is to this day locked up in an electronic cage somewhere. But if you want a real flesh-creeper, start worrying about the creatures Hubbard defined in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary "Fifth Invader Force - A thetan from the Fifth Invader Force believes himself to be a very strange insect-like creature with unthinkably horrible hands. He believes himself to be occupying such a body. (Scn. 8-8008, p. 132)"

No, on second thought, she's a loony.....

8 posted on 02/18/2005 10:16:35 PM PST by Hodar (With Rights, comes Responsibilities. Don't assume one, without assuming the other.)
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To: Hodar


From the folks that gave us "Battlefield Earth", possibly the worst film ever made. One of John Travolta's shining moments!

13 posted on 02/18/2005 10:23:52 PM PST by kb2614 ("Speaking Truth to Power" - What idiots say when they want to sound profound!!)
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To: Hodar

DIARHIA....Brought to you by LoConHuevo

14 posted on 02/18/2005 10:24:22 PM PST by 1FASTGLOCK45
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To: Hodar

The Scientologists have a headquarters (world headquarters?) in Clearwater, Florida. You can see these glassy-eyed true believers walking around downtown in their hip little uniforms. My friend refers to them as "the Clearwater Navy." I attended a poetry reading in the building many years ago (before I knew it was the nest for these space cadets). They were very careful to keep outsiders from wandering through certain doors. There was definitely a weird vibe in that building.

58 posted on 02/18/2005 11:02:41 PM PST by Bulldogger (HALLIBURTON!!)
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To: Hodar
All religions are equal,...

Drudge's buddy, the one that wrote that book Hollywood Interrupted or some such, was doing
the radio tour, and a caller asked about the acting/Scientology connection.

The author said that the Scientologists have "support groups" all over the place in LA, and given the sporadic
nature of employment of actors, Scientology takes advantage of [preys upon?] the self-doubts of
would-be/wannabe actors.

I'm relatively naive on Scientology, but I read the Niven-Pournelle version of "The Inferno",
and always wondered if L. Ron was the scifi/"religion founder" writer at a certain level of Hell...
especially after it was made public that the Scientologists would send people to buy Hubbard's books at the
stores that the Slimes would most likely sample.

74 posted on 02/18/2005 11:34:39 PM PST by Calvin Locke
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