Posted on 02/17/2005 4:58:53 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
Sunday, Nov. 7, 2004
Rove Credits Swiftvets With 'Energizing' Bush Vote
Bush-Cheney re-election architect Karl Rove gave credit on Sunday to the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth for exposing John Kerry's anti-war past and energizing Republican voters to turn out at the polls.
Asked what role anti-Kerry ads sponsored by the Swiftvets played in Bush's re-election victory, Rove told "Fox News Sunday":
"They were made important by the fact that Senator Kerry, at his convention, really talked ... only about Vietnam."
The top White House adviser explained: "I was amazed by the people that I met around the country who were energized by that issue being discussed. ... I was really amazed by how strongly men and women who had served in Vietnam and in the armed forces felt about that."
Rove recalled that his uncle had done several tours of duty in Vietnam. "I've never been able to think of Colonel Verhi as somebody who would have 'raped and pillaged in a manner reminiscent of Genghis Khan,'" a reference to Kerry's 1971 Senate testimony where he accused Vietnam veterans of committing widespread atrocities.
BUMP to that Tonkin!
Mega-giga-tera dittoes!
Thanks Tonk!
>>I'm convinced that millions went to the Swift Vets that didn't go the the RNC. American citizens were captivated by the Swift Vets and felt more comfortable donating them to them, rather than some huge faceless political organization.
I sent 1.5X to the SwiftVets, what I sent to the Bush Campaign.
I still want to see that 180 signed, and to see the results of that.
I prolly shouldn't say trhis after a few libations.....but...Tonk....You're the best
>> I was really amazed by how strongly men and women who had served in Vietnam and in the armed forces felt about that [ROVE].
I enlisted and reenlisted during the Vietnam War. Two of my best friends were killed in Nam, and my 1st cousin was wounded. Kerry slandered them!
If Kerry was convicted of treason (and he should be), I would volunteer to serve on the firing squad. No, I would insist I serve on it.
A better punishment for his Treason would be him, in a cage,
like in the Hanoi Hilton, only in front of The Wall for all to see.
Day, after day, after day. ETC.
Thank You Karl Rove!
You have proven that those who say the GOP can't acknowledge the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth are wrong.
Thank You Karl Rove for standing up for Viet Nam Vets that Kerry lied about in 1971!
"why did Rove and the GOP *NEED* the Swift Boat Vets to tell the truth about John Kerry."
As soon as the RNC or Bush campaign had brought it up, the press would have tangled it up inextricably with the BS about GW's ANG service, and made it a moral equivalence and thus neutralized it. They also would have given voice to the 'rats so they could challenge the "AWOL" Bush's credibility.
Much of the power of the Swiftees' campaign was its asymmetry. While GW took the high road, Kerry had to deal with this guerrilla insurgency. He was seen ultimately as fighting accusers from his own past instead of the President.
A bad position for a candidate.
The message coming from the politicians would sound like hollow mudslinging..It had to be done by the vets. They were the ones who were there and had the credibility to tell the story..
.They were not tainted by partisan politics and it was their honor and service that was slimed by Kerry..It would never have been so powerful done by anyone but the ones who lived it and suffered by Kerry's words and activities with the Viet Cong in Paris.
Thanks for the ping!
'A better punishment for his Treason would be him, in a cage,
like in the Hanoi Hilton, only in front of The Wall for all to see.'
Thanks to the Swift Vets and all the Freepers who supported them when the MSM tried to electronically lynch them.
Karl Rove ~ Bump!
Tonk ~ did you hear that Zell Miller will be paying tribute the Swifties and it will be on C-SPAN tonight at 1730 hours Pacific?
Sure he looks harmless, but to a Liberal, he sprouts a forked tongue, a spiked tail and a 3 ended pitchfork :)
and his skin takes the tone of a ripe tomato....
You might recall that Bush didn't saw down any sort of lies, even about himself, being told by the Kerrynistas. Bush said "above the fray" but that doesn't mean he or Karl Rove didn't appreciate what the Swift Vets did.
Heck, we all appreciate what the Swift Vets and other Vietnam Vets did. Bless them all.
Well, I'm not being critical of the Swift Vets at all!
My criticism is with Bush and Rove not helping them out more or supporting their claims. IIRC, when the Swifties began getting some attention, McCain was openly critical and Bush was indirectly critical (lumping them in with groups like which he thought should be curtailed).
They didn't say "Perhaps the media should look deeper into their claims" or "I think Kerry should answer their questions" instead of just ignoring them.
I understood you weren't criticizing the Swift Vets. But I was trying to say that Bush had his reasons for not helping them out more. And I understand his reasons.
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