Dean says that no one is "pro-abortion," but "we are the party in favor of allowing women to make up their own minds about their health care."
Right. Maybe he vcould name me a "pro-choice" democrat in a position of power in the democrat party.
Let me see if I got this right, women can kill their unboen children but the state can't put to death convicted murderers.
Dean's contemptuous comment that partial-birth abortion is "an issue about nothing" belies any claim to be sensitive to the pro-life concerns.
As for fiscal conservatism, sure, if one defines it solely in terms of budget-balancing at the cost of high taxes, Dean did OK on that score. But that's not what we need.
We all need to be clear on who and what Dean is: a vicious leftist bigot who hates Republicans and has nothing but contempt for anyone who votes for them. We should denounce him every day in every way. Make his life miserable and ruin his reputation. Don't let him say "hello" without attacking him in one way or another. Come up with names for him -- names that hurt, not just ones that get a chuckle.
Make him the poster boy for extremism, elitism and anti-Americanism in the mind of every voter to the right of ... Dean himself.