Walter C. McCrone DID publish but his work has failed the test of peer review. Not ONE other scientist other than those working for McCrone has every been able to duplicate his findings... in fact, many of his findings have been completely disproved by much more comprehensive tests done by people much more expert in their fields. NO ONE ELSE has found Iron Oxide on the Shroud in sufficient amounts to form an image. McCrone's claim that it was PAINTED using a dilute tempera solution is ludicrous considering what we now know of the image. McCrone even claimed to know the exact dilution of the paint... something that is totally unknowable merely from observing a dried result.
McCrone was not "threatened"... he was told that his papers had to undergo peer review, which he agreed to before being allowed access to the samples... he refused. The only place that McCrone's work was published was in The Microscopist, published and editied by Wanter C. McCrone.
Obviously, you did not know Dr. Mcrone.