I'm always a bit amazed at those defending the Christian version of the beginnings of life when they talk, in a somewhat negative way, about "a leap of faith way too far for the evidence to sustain" when referencing evolution, while having no issue with making their own leap of faith that "God did it", requiring no evidence at all.
Check out the behavior of the northern snakehead. It picks itself out of one body of water, crawls to another, and can live out of water for several days. http://www.invadingspecies.com/Invaders.cfm?A=Page&PID=23
And your point is...? And did I mention a "Christian version" of the origins of life? I don't remember doing so. I believe we have clear and compelling scientific evidence for adaptative changes within species. I don't see any such hard evidence for either of the two competing "theories" beyond that.