A troll perhaps??
Let me see. I make enter into a discussion to be met with insult after insult by you and I am the troll?
All I have said is that:
1) I think Chavez has the support of the poor but not
the middle or upper class.
2) Invading or destabilizing Venezuela is not on Bush's
agenda nor is good for the US economy
3) That I do not like Chavez and think his land
expropriation is a bad thing.
Clearly my use of rational logic and arguement makes me a troll.
Of course if I start making offensive comments against my fellow freepers then I would not be a troll.
Go figure!
And what "offensive" or insulting language have I used towards you?
You use the language of the communist. If you are one, don't be embarrassed. If you are not, you should use a different set of linguistic tools to express yourself, and thereby not be confused with others.
BTW, I don't think you're a troll. I've followed too many of your post on different threads to come to that conclusion.