Posted on 01/30/2005 6:22:12 PM PST by wagglebee
On Saturday, after withdrawing the Diocese of Buffalo's sponsorship of a speech by U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, Bishop Edward Kmiec issued the following statement:
"As Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo, I wish to inform the faithful and the community that the Diocese of Buffalo is not associated with the planning or promotion of the lecture of Senator Hillary Clinton at Canisius College on Monday, January 31, 2005. This event has been arranged under the auspices of Canisius College without previous consultation.
"Although Catholic Charities was listed as a sponsor, this was without the knowledge that Senator Clinton would be one of the presenters of the lecture series. They have since withdrawn their sponsorship, as has the diocesan office of Church Ministry.
"We have communicated our displeasure and have discussed the situation with Canisius College officials.
"We certainly subscribe to the statement on "Catholics in Political Life" issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that 'the Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principals with awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.' Howewver it also states that we are 'committed to maintaining communications with public officals who make decisions everyday that touch issues of human life and dignity.'
"It is for that reason, despite calls for the cancellation of the event, that it was thought best to allow it to proceed, though reluctantly, in order to maintain channels of communciation with Senator Clinton and others who hold her views. In regard to Senator Clinton, I believe she will be well aware of the depth of our beliefs on life issues in this very Catholic region of New York State. We trust that she will respect and be sensitive to those sentiments.
"We hope and pray for the understanding of our community of faith and that the outcome will be a positive one"
I am what is know in the Catholic circles as a Sede Vacante
which menas the "Seat is Empty". In other words there is no POPE! The hijacking of the Catholic Church by the NO to bring Catholicism to more people through the adoption of the Latin Mass to be said in the vernacular if requested by the people and the use of some of the hymns that were popular with the other religions.
What ahs been done is just the opposite. I too can not vote for these politicians who support abortion, or homosexuality. I am very happy to see some of the Catholics finally taking a strong stand. After nearly 40 years there may still be hope.
Regarless of religion, we are responsible to God to obey his laws and the Commandments. The sheep are being seperated from the goats. When the POPE finally reads the third Message from Fatima, then the church will become whole and sanity will return.
She doesn't lie, she just conveniently "misplaces" subpeonaed documents and "forgets" things -- and then she has her minions remind us how "intelligent" she is.
Big Bravo's for the Bishop! Way to go your eminency. Why support the anti-Christ, her thighness?
Ex Corde Ecclesiae
Ex Corde EcclesiaeThe Application to the United States
(Executive Summary) Culture of Death on Catholic Campuses: A Five-Year Review
(Full Report) Culture of Death on Catholic Campuses: A Five-Year Review
Who Is Catholic? New conservative colleges
Veritatis Splendor
116. Bishops are never relieved of their own personal obligations. It falls to them, in communion with the Holy See, both to grant the title "Catholic" to Church-related schools, universities, health-care facilities and counseling services, and, in cases of a serious failure to live up to that title, to take it away.
Most Reverend Gabriel Montalvo Apostolic Pro Nuncio
3339 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20008-3687
Tel. 1-202-333-7121
FAX: 1-202-338-4036
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re
Prefect, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
00120 Vatican City State, Europe
Prefect, Congregation for Bishops
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City State, Europe
Freep the bishop
Diocese of Buffalo
Most Reverend Edward M. Grosz, D.D.,V.G.
St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Parish
123 Townsend Street
Buffalo, NY 14212-1299
Most Reverend Edward U. Kmiec, D.D.
Chancery - Catholic Center
795 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14203
Sen. Hillary Clinton, one of Washington's most vocal advocates of abortion rights (including partial-birth abortion), fetal stem-cell research, and funding for contraceptives, is scheduled to speak on Monday, January 31, at Canisius College on "The Governmental Role in Caring for the Sick." The lecture is part of a series on the Governmental Role in Effectuating the Corporal Works of Mercy. Co-sponsors of the event include Call to Action, Citizen Action of New York and labor unions.
CONTACT: Rev. Vincent Cooke, S.J., President, Canisius College, 2001 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14208-1098; (716) 888-2100;
Bishop to let Clinton speak at Canisius
But says he is displeased college invited her
Catechism of the Catholic Church #2447
April 25, 2004. Kate Michelman, former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Talk is cheap and she's full of it.
Canisius College
2001 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14208-1098
Phone: 716-883-7000
Fax: 716-888-2525
Established by the Jesuit Fathers
What a joke ,bump.
What a bunch of B.S.
Bishop Edward Kmiec better not fly in any planes or go near Ft Marcy Park.....
...and her twisted mind, being rid of the inconvenient unborn can be considered merciful... /sarcasm off
Cardinal Bernardin was a tool.
-good times, G.J.P.(Jr.)
it is not the conservatives she is going to try and fool
<< 'the Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principals with awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.'
This certainly describes the Hildabeast. >>
To a "T" -- or a 666 -- we takes our picks..
<< well so much for fooling conservatives .... >>
Pinned it. if there could ever be a rational dialogue in favor of killing unborn babies.........
I'm with you.
I am on a special mailing list of Catholic Charities'. A few years ago I was involved in some legislative activism regarding parochial schools, hence I somehow landed on their list. They are spending our (parishoners) money to develop local parish cels--like communist cels--to affect extreme leftist causes. Now some of their causes are good-we should help the poor, perhaps we should restore some aid to Africa for food and so on, but many of the seminars and events they organize feature speakers and activists whose only agenda is that of the far left.
I called their main contact in NY-a guy named Tom Dobyns, and I told him I belong to a grassroots orgnization of web bloggers who are conservative and that I would be watching the organization very carefully and if they can't provide some balance, I would make a stink about it on my web log (fr). A few weeks later a big mailing came out urging participants to attend the March for Life in D.C. (one of the criticisms I had of his group is that there is never any pro life activity). Who knows if my call had any effect, but these people need to know we are watching and we are not sitting by idly, and we now have a means to impact them: the internet. V's wife.
please add me to your ping list. BTW, Bernadin was the agent of change, not a mere tool, don't you think? V's wife
Barf bump
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