I've judged, with no apology, that statement to be bigoted. I've asked you to retract it or explain it. You've done neither.
He most certainly *has* explained it (see post #1214 for example, which came even before your original complaint to him in #1231). Thus his remark about how "you have been twice admonished for not reading the rest of the comments".
Evidently, my initial judgment was correct.
Evidently, then, your judgment needs work.
Why are they members of their congregation when they reject The Church's position on evolution or their pastor's interpretations of the Bible?
He could have explained, or better yet just stated that he retracted, that statement when I first posted to him. Instead, I was admonished to seek a dictionary. As of this writing I stand accused of being a murdering Christian soldier because you're pal is a bigot.
He still hasn't retracted the statement and only addressed it because a fellow evo pointed out the brazenness of it.
Evidently, then, your judgment needs work.
I don't think there is any evidence at all in this little tete a tete pointing to that conclusion.