To: Constitutionalist Conservative
"No Child Left Behind says all kids must reach high standards," Newman said. "Its our responsibility to find as many ways as possible to accomplish this."Why do I doubt that this was what the president had in mind...?
5 posted on
01/28/2005 1:38:18 PM PST by
(Has CBS retracted the story yet?)
To: mewzilla
Why do I doubt that this was what the president had in mind...? This is why the Founding Fathers envisioned "small government". They knew that governments tend to creep toward tyranny seasoned with abject stupididy. It is best to legislate only those things that absolutely must be regulated.
84 posted on
01/28/2005 2:40:20 PM PST by
To: mewzilla
Why do I doubt that this was what the president had in mind...? Because you have a working brain?
94 posted on
01/28/2005 3:00:35 PM PST by
Harmless Teddy Bear
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