History does not favor single, childless, women.
OK What if anything has Condi said about the Abortion Issue. Also cite sources.
True, but I don't believe that's problematic in this day and age. If Elizabeth I could handle it, I say Condi can.
History seems to have favored her. She has an era named after her.
"History does not favor single, childless, women."
Oh, no! Not the "women and minorities hit hardest" mantra, LOL!
Who better suited for the job than a single woman who has her act together, is goal oriented and has achieved markers in life we lowly scum can only DREAM of, while still remaining HUMAN and who isn't burdened by children or a whiney ("Pay Attention To Me!") husband?
History does NOT repeat itself if we are educated about it and have paid attention to not repeat our mistakes, i.e. to keep electing rich white guys. ;)
Run, Condi! Run! :)
Elizabeth I was born in 1533 to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Although she entertained many marriage proposals and flirted incessantly, she never married or had children. Elizabeth, the last of the Tudors, died at seventy years of age after a very successful forty-four year reign.