1 posted on
01/27/2005 6:50:54 PM PST by
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To: RWR8189
2 posted on
01/27/2005 6:52:59 PM PST by
('Open your mind, close the Border")
To: RWR8189
3 posted on
01/27/2005 6:53:47 PM PST by
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
To: RWR8189
I don't know who it will be, other than a Governor from the South or West.
4 posted on
01/27/2005 6:54:05 PM PST by
Cowboy Bob
(Fraud is the lifeblood of the Democratic Party)
To: RWR8189
When you look at that list, Sen. Allen stands head and shoulders above the rest (do we really want a president named "mitt"?)
To: RWR8189
I like Mitt Rommney and Allen.....
To: RWR8189
Please, NO Senator candidates (unless they have also spent considerable time recently in some executive position - preferably as a state governor). Also forget mayors.
7 posted on
01/27/2005 6:55:32 PM PST by
(SeeBS News - We Decide, We Create, We Report - In that order! - ABC - Already Been Caught)
To: RWR8189
The only ones I would even consider are George Allen and Jeb Bush. If I would want someone who agrees with murdering babies in the womb, I would vote Democrat.
8 posted on
01/27/2005 6:56:19 PM PST by
("I must go. I must be elusive.")
To: RWR8189
My initial reaction: None of the above. Blech!
10 posted on
01/27/2005 6:56:52 PM PST by
(It can't be said enough: Ted Kennedy left a woman to die while saving himself)
To: RWR8189
If Frist stomps the obstructionist Democrats for the next two years and then retires, he'll be the prohibitive front-runner. But if he doesn't, he should just go back to the Operating Room.
12 posted on
01/27/2005 6:57:55 PM PST by
Dog Gone
To: RWR8189
All I can say is that a "Pro-Choice" GOP will NOT get the Nomination.
14 posted on
01/27/2005 6:58:13 PM PST by
To: All
I wonder how many of the members here who continually whine that Bush isn't conservative enough will pop into this thread and say they want Rice or Giuliani? They don't seem to realize that both are far to the left of President Bush on many important issues.
To: RWR8189
Sanford/Tancredo or Tancredo/Sanford.
18 posted on
01/27/2005 6:59:29 PM PST by
(Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
To: RWR8189
Governor Sanfords chances are linked straight to his being re-elected and results he gets in Carolina.
I still think Lamar Amexander might run, if his heart is in it.
Senator Sanctorum will run, if he wins re-election, but he's more likely a VP pick for someone to pick up there conservative credentials.
My sleeper is Senator Coryn from Texas, he's got a unique style and he scares the bejesus out of liberals and folks on lefty sights, they think he can kill'em. If they fear him, I like him.
Lets not count out any other governors who are being a bit quiet now, but will pop out of nowhere in 2007, if Sanford is one of those guys, he'll set the race on fire.
Romney and Owens have no chance anymore.
Another sleeper pick, the good ole governor from the state of Minnesota, and look out for a possible run from that states current junior senator.
20 posted on
01/27/2005 6:59:53 PM PST by
Sonny M
("oderint dum metuant")
To: RWR8189
Giuliani President, Jeb Bush Vice President. That ticket is unbeatable IMO.
23 posted on
01/27/2005 7:00:50 PM PST by
To: RWR8189
If that's the list, we're in for a world of hurt.
24 posted on
01/27/2005 7:00:58 PM PST by
(Semper Fi ...... The War on Terrorism is the ultimate 'faith-based' initiative.)
To: RWR8189
Rummy/Rice. What a combo that would be. At least we'd have fun with the media.
To: RWR8189; Mudboy Slim
My money is on George Allen right now!
30 posted on
01/27/2005 7:05:10 PM PST by
(AOII Mom -- Increase Republicans in Congress in 2006!)
To: RWR8189
George Allen is my early choice!
36 posted on
01/27/2005 7:10:03 PM PST by
To: RWR8189
I think it will be either George Allen, Mark Sanford, or Tim Pawlenty.
No Texan (like Cornyn) or no Bush (such as Jeb) at the top of the ticket.
As for VP - maybe Kay Bailey Hutchison
To: RWR8189
I love George Allen!
And what about Rick Santorum?
48 posted on
01/27/2005 7:15:14 PM PST by
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