But these days were the ones whove lost our penises. The wise old foreign-policy birds insist that nothing can be done Islam and democracy are completely incompatible, old man; everybody knows that, except these naive, blundering Yanks who just dont have our experience, frankly. If thats true, its a problem not for Iraq this weekend but, given current demographic trends, for France and Belgium and Holland and the United Kingdom a year or two down the line. But, as it happens, its not true. The Afghan election worked so well that, there being insufficient bad news out of it, the doom-mongers in the Western media pretended it never happened. The Iraqi election will be imperfect but more than good enough. OK, thats a bit vague by the standards of my usual psephological predictions, so how about this? Turnout in the Kurdish north and Shia south will be higher than in the 2001 UK elections.
The gold Steyndard of the printed opinion.
One entry found for psephology.
Main Entry: pse·phol·o·gy
Pronunciation: sE-'fä-l&-jE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek psEphos pebble, ballot, vote; from the use of pebbles by the ancient Greeks in voting
: the scientific study of elections
- pse·pho·log·i·cal /"sE-f&-'lä-ji-k&l/ adjective
- pse·phol·o·gist /sE-'fä-l&-jist/ noun