To: ozarkgirl
I don't know what hold they have over Bush That's the same thing I keep asking myself. Whatever it is, it must be juicy.
115 posted on
01/26/2005 7:43:00 PM PST by
processing please hold
(Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
To: pbrown
Its called the FTAA. Mexico is doing just fine without it but our White House and Congress are exceedingly eager to get it passed. Therefore Mexico can demand anything from us in return for their signature on the FTAA. In addition, the OAS and Summit of the Americas which will govern the member states of the FTAA (they are called member states and not countries) are making demands to satisfy the rest of Latin America so they will sign. They are basically giving away the country to get agreements with Mexico and South America to join a western hemispheric trade group.
The irony is that there are starting to be a number of countries in S.A. who are gladly teaming up with China to break away from US domination in the hemisphere. In total violation of the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe Doctrine the white house has actually approved the widening influence of China through trade and armaments at the APEC summit in Chile a few months ago.
This all is happening because international business interests want these large trade regions, like the EU and the FTAA, so that they can instill what they call "civil government" that is government by global corporations working with NGOs. Elected representation,individual sovereignty, national sovereignty, Constitution or Bill of Rights this culture we take for granted is an anathema to this global plan. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson