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Foreign secretary says Mexico may ask international courts to block Proposition 200
sfgate ^
| Jan. 26, 2005
| Associated Press
Posted on 01/26/2005 2:37:53 PM PST by VU4G10
MEXICO CITY - Mexico may turn to international courts in an effort to block a new Arizona law limiting services to illegal immigrants, Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said Wednesday. He said in a radio interview that Mexico might take such a step after it has exhausted all possibilities under U.S. law to halt Proposition 200. "We are seeking all the legal opportunities that exist, first using the legal capacities of the United States itself and ... if that does not work, bringing it to international tribunals," Derbez said. advertisement He did not specify to which international bodies Mexico could appeal. Mexico's Foreign Department and lawmakers have repeatedly complained about Proposition 200, which voters approved in November. The measure requires proof of citizenship to vote and proof of immigration status to receive some government benefits. Derbez said the government already has made a verbal protest to the United States and now will file a written protest at the request of Mexican lawmakers. He did not say when it would be issued. He expressed regret that, according to polls, about 40 percent of Mexican-Americans in Arizona had supported the measure. "It's sad and it gives an idea of how we have to work to educate even our own Mexican-Americans about why it is important that these proposals are not accepted," Derbez said. In December, the Foreign Department issued a statement expressing "complete rejection" of the proposition, calling it "a measure that could generate actions of discrimination based on ethnic profile."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; Mexico; US: Arizona; US: California
KEYWORDS: aliens; arizona; ftaa; illegal; illegalaliens; immigrantlist; kalifornia; mexico; mexifornia; nafta; oas; oasfaa; prop200; proposition200
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To: Libertina
Couldn't trade sanctions also apply on our behalf? Like Mexico DUMPING cheap workers on us?
Good grief!! We need to build a wall on the border. There I finally said it! Mexico is more dangerous to our sovereignty than anyone!
posted on
01/26/2005 3:17:18 PM PST
("We are all sinners. But jerks revel in their sins." PJ O'Rourke)
To: marty60
They already have friends in high places in Washington.
posted on
01/26/2005 3:17:22 PM PST
(America: Best friend or worst enemy. Choose wisely.)
To: TomGuy
Yeah I wonder what McCain has to say about this.
posted on
01/26/2005 3:20:23 PM PST
To: mdmathis6
" It sounds like Mexico still claims former Mexican citizens as still being Mexican citizens and not Americans!"
Why not? They claim half the US belongs to them. You gotta give 'em this...they have cajones! To bad they don't use some of it on their own corrupt crappy government.
posted on
01/26/2005 3:22:49 PM PST
("We are all sinners. But jerks revel in their sins." PJ O'Rourke)
To: VU4G10
"Mexico may turn to international courts in an effort to block a new Arizona law limiting services to illegal immigrants, Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said Wednesday."
Nice way to make friends and influence people. Does Mexico want a war?
To: Libertina
GW Bush needs to give them one. He won't, he's completely bent over for Mexico.
posted on
01/26/2005 3:27:06 PM PST
(Better to have government by the masses than government by the asses.)
To: VU4G10
The hysteria on this thread is amazing. Here we have a Mexican politician grandstanding in some radio interview for his Mexican constituents. He knows perfectly well that his suggestion is ridiculous and unenforceable, but anti-U.S. demagoguery has always been popular in Mexico.
Why would anyone give more credibility or concern to this statement than, say, a similar statement by some far-left American politician like Barbara Boxer?
Chill out, everyone.
posted on
01/26/2005 3:31:53 PM PST
To: RetroWarrior
Just like you can vote in Mexico's elections I guess"
I'm sure for the right price you can.
To: VU4G10
This is a prime example of why we said goodbye to Texas & came back to Illinois! Living on an "island paradise" in deeeeeep South Texas, I got a good first hand view of what all the fuss is about. Here are a few examples of why Mexico, many of it's citizens, and a fair few of our own are our enemies. First of all forget that tired old poop about "a better life". Uncontrolled immigration has turned places like Del Rio, Laredo (with an est illegal population of 125,000 living unconfronted there), and Corpus Christi into hell hole barrios. At a friends farm outside of Laredo, the border patrol "observed" illegals crossing daily. Not just Mexicans, but Chinese, Middle Easterners and South Americans. In two years, 5 Chinese were detained. Period. The agents were not allowed to pick up the illegals or to engage them in any way. Why? Nobody knows.. just assorted lame excuses about nowhere to put them and even "there is no bus running today" once when we asked the BP agent to pick up a large group wandering on our friends property. They left trash and human waste around and even shot a horse and butchered it on one occasion.
Mexico dumps garbage and medical waste in the Gulf of Mexico... not only does it endanger humans, but it is decimating our populations of wildlife. Most evenings on Padre Island, if you know where to look, you can spot a "Mexican shark boat" landing drugs or people.
Another problem is that groups like LULAC, La Raza, MECHA and the reconquista are dedicated to Hispanic domination and in some cases, as in that of MECHA, violence and crime perpetrated against white and black Americans. These groups carry a lot of political clout and are lauded by the democrats in many southwestern states.
Then we have the Mexican citizens who come to our cities for the express purposes of getting hurt so that they can file huge personal injury lawsuits. Others come for free medical care. In Texas they even make HALO flights into Mexico to pick up sick and injured Mexican nationals. Paid for by you...
Our English language (while not official) is becoming either unused or destroyed to the point of being unintelligible. In some Texas districts and towns SPANISH is the official language of local government. If you ask them to "Speak English please.", you are out of luck.
We need to stop this stuff before it's too late. The destruction culturally, environmentally and politically of the USA can be blamed largely on this kind of action and the actions of those politicians in border states who want to hand our country over to Mexico.
I worked as a volunteer in Mexico for a year. There are people there (especially in remote towns) who dream of a genuinely better life. But the majority of those coming from the big cities are coming for what they can take, by force if necessary. They hate us openly, protest everything we do and even now some Latino gangs are being linked to AL Qaida and other terrorist groups.
To: dpwiener
"Chill out, everyone."
Actually, there is more to worry about here than is obvious. Get a friendly international body to issue a ruling against the US and then a US government that doesn't want to enforce immigration laws simply accepts the international decision.
posted on
01/26/2005 3:45:31 PM PST
To: M_J_News
LOL. Not on camera, anyhow. Welcome to FR.
Gawd, what a gruesome picture. Have you no soul?
posted on
01/26/2005 3:51:32 PM PST
glock rocks
( Miss Kitty, the sun hasn't come up on the day that Marshal Dillon can't take care of himself.)
To: Heartland Hattie
posted on
01/26/2005 3:53:12 PM PST
(Yo, homey ... Is that my briefcase?)
To: monkeywrench
LOL I bet it's cheep too!
posted on
01/26/2005 3:53:42 PM PST
('I will guard my post from flank to flank and take no 'crap' from any rank')
To: spodefly
Thank you very much! Happy to be here!
To: marty60
Or better yet I think a nice GIANT canal runing along the border sounds good.Stocked with pirahanas.
posted on
01/26/2005 3:55:41 PM PST
(<===Looks Sexy in a flightsuit . . . Looks Silly in a french maid outfit)
To: Libertina
I think you ought to read NAFTA and some of the agreements the US has signed with the OAS and the Summit of the Americas. The United States has made many promises to latin america and Mexico that infringe on the sovereignty of this nation and our citizens.
Because the last trade agreement signed with Australia (AAFTA) says that the trade agreement requires the US obey ILO (the United Nations International Labor Organization) laws, its not out of the question that this agreement could be used to enforce action against the United States internationally.
To: VU4G10've got to be kidding me....
posted on
01/26/2005 4:04:01 PM PST
( you have to have a mind before you lose it....)
To: hedgetrimmer
AFIK the only portion of the ILO the Senate has ratified regards child labor. Are you asserting that by passing the AAFTA the US will have to abide by the entire treaty?
posted on
01/26/2005 4:07:11 PM PST
(There are people in power who are really stupid.)
To: VU4G10; HangFire; feinswinesuksass; diotima
Mexico may turn to international courts in an effort to block a new Arizona law limiting services to illegal immigrants...
What do these people want... a war?
posted on
01/26/2005 4:10:14 PM PST
(><> Pray for the elections in Iraq <><)
To: VU4G10
Mr Derbez should contact JF'n Kerry and get the UN involved in this matter.
posted on
01/26/2005 4:13:22 PM PST
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