The actress who played Leonora Braham looks EXACTLY like Jessie Bond,whom she should have portrayed.Since I know what the original cast member looked like,I found this somewhat jarring,because my mind kept saying :WHAT'S JESSIE BOND DOING LEONORA'S ROLES?" But she's a really wonderful actress and I've seen her in many other things.
Grossmith with PERFECTION!
The ubiquitous Jim Broadbent did Gilbert wonderfully well,but I take great umbrage with the script's erroneous portrayal of how Gilbert's interaction (at the end of the film)with his wife.That was incorrect.
Durward Lely had dark hair,unlike the man who played him,but it worked nonetheless.
This wasn't the old D'Oyly Carte,but the cast did a remarkable job...really first rate and I am VERY picky and nit-picky about G&S!