I never, never disparage combat medics! Got there in early 69. Got Million $ wound during the fighting outside Ripcord in July,70. But we may know some of the same guys.
There are only a few of us left and we still fight for our country. Amasing, isn't it. I guess we were trained better that we thought we were.
God bless you old salt. Lock and load, we may have to do this again.
We fought a war, and we got disrespect for it, but we moved on and made something of ourselves and our country because we were true patriots, as you are. The ghosts of war return but the best in a good soldier doesn't let that get in the way of a good life.
There is no "Fog" in war. You win it or you don't. But, don't blame the brave men that fight the war for the cowardice of the men that plan it.
My statement to the politicians is this: If you don't have the guts to go to war, don't send me, or my son, or my grandson, to fight the damn thing. Our President has that courage, and he has that discipline. I would follow this man into hell, as I would have done for Ronald Regan. I was cursed with Lyndon Johnson and R. Strange McNamera. Oh, by the way. On his exit from his office RS McNamara set in motion the "relief" of General William Westmoreland, the commander that was winning the war. He was replaced by Mark Clark (I dispise and disrespect the man so much I cannot use the title "General"). You want to lose a war, hire Mark Clark (and yes, he was in the Nixon administration and he shouldn't have been, but soldiers don't make decisions Presidents do).