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To: discostu
What we mean

What do you mean - we?

but nobody had figured out how they fell

You mean they just hadn't thought to call it - gravity - yet.

Thus the theory of gravity was born

It wasn't really born. It was just made up, and was initially quite wrong. But it didn't explain gravity. It explained, or attempted to explain, the effects.

fire existed

One can get the image of evolutionists nervously crowding around - oooh, firrrreee!

But that's what I asked you. That's exactly what I asked. No natural selection? No mutation? Genetic drift? Punctuated eardrums, etc? None of that? There's no theory to explain evolution. You want to say it's simply a force of nature.

Well if you're completely abandoning any effort to discover a theory to help explain evolution, maybe we - that's we - should retrace our steps over the old ground and you tell me, again, precisely what is the 'fact' - of evolution.

Don't try to come up with a theory on me, now!

169 posted on 01/20/2005 3:39:45 PM PST by sevry
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To: sevry

"We" is the people you keep asking the same question to over and over.

I mean they hadn't stopped to say "I wonder what holds us to the ground, I wonder why it is that when things leave the ground they return, I wonder why not everything seems to fall at the same rate". Now one had bothered to explain gravity, they simply accepted its effects, largely without name. It was just there, they were busy doing other things like farming and stuff.

Yes the first theory of gravity was quite wrong. The first theory we've come up with for just about everything has been quite wrong, that's because we're humans and falible. And most of our first theories were based on a set of test data that would be considered laughable by modern scientific standards, which has a lot to do with why they were wrong, which in turn is why that level of study is now considered largely worthless.

Nothing nervous about it. But one of the creationists biggest arguments against evolution is that the theory has changed, that in fact Darwinian evolution has been largely discarded as wrong across the board. From that they insist evolution didn't happen. By that logic thanks to phologiston there must not be fire, obviously there is fire, very little of modern society would even be possible without it.

There you go outright lying. Did I say no natural selection? NO. Did I say no genetic drift? NO. No mutation? NO. Punctuated eardrums? NO. Those are all thing YOU are saying. Don't put your words in my mouth, all that does is prove how little you know. I don't want to say it's simply a force of nature, I want to say it's a mechanism, of some sort, that we don't fully understand. It could be natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, something we haven't figured out yet, or some combination of all of the above. Don't know, that's what scientists are studying, that's what they're trying to figure out, what makes evolution happen. That's what all scientists study, always digging deeper for better explanations of how things happen, never being satisfied that they have all the answers. Each answer brings only more questions, and in the world of good science they know there will never be a final answer.

Already told you what the fact of evolution is multiple times. Species change, we know that for a fact, the theory of evolution is attempts to figure out how.

177 posted on 01/20/2005 4:20:33 PM PST by discostu (mime is money)
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