This taken together with Biden's racist parody in the confirmation hearings have me convinced that the democrats are trying to bait the republicans into going off message; get into race dialog which they feel they have a stereotypical advantage. In any case they are trying to disrupt our momentum, create a distraction. Let's not rise to the bait.
Sounds a lot to me like they are risking a lot by taking the low road.
Too much Condoleeza bashing, and they will come away having dirtied themselves. The Republicans won't have to do a thing.
The attacks themselves smell like dirty daipers. Sooner or later your average person is going to wrinkle their nose at the democrats and look for some fresh air. Even if they are successful in getting Republicans into a race dialog, it is too obvious that the dems are the ones doing the pooping.
"In any case they are trying to disrupt our momentum, create a distraction. Let's not rise to the bait."
Huh? I think they are floundering, making terrible mistakes. And frankly, Byrd is getting too old to change in this new world. He's a disgrace to the DNC. If he understood how things are, he never would have touched Condi's 'nomination' [actually an appointment] with a ten-foot pole. But set in his ways, the old geezer couldn't stand to see Condi appointed. Why, exactly? I actually, honestly wonder if it's the old racist in him. He'll pay for this. His party will pay for this. And they should!